How to Progress Labor Naturally
Engage in sexual intercourse, which could assist mothers-to-be in delivering sooner. If your water has broken, you should not be engaging in intercourse. Sexual intercourse can result in a release of the hormone prostaglandin, a similar release that occurs when medication is used to induce labor.
Receive acupuncture treatments. Research conducted by the University of North Carolina found that women who were approximately 40 to 41 weeks pregnant, and who received at least three acupuncture treatments, were more likely to go into labor without medical intervention. These women were also more likely to have a vaginal birth. However, more research is needed to prove that acupuncture can play a role in hastening labor.
Try home remedies to hasten labor. Castor oil, blue cohosh and black cohosh are described as typical remedies for delayed labor. Stimulating the nipples releases the hormone oxytocin, which could lead to contractions. Get your doctor's advice before attempting any of these methods, as it could be harmful to the fetus.
Maintain physical activity. This should be done throughout the entire pregnancy, but short walks and other light physical activity could be beneficial in inducing labor and hastening labor once it has begun.
Distract yourself with visits and rest during early labor. Eat small meals frequently and drink when you are thirsty. Immerse yourself in a warm bath, which can reduce stress hormones. Stress hormones can slow your contractions, prolonging labor.