How to Enhance IVF Outcome
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one of the forms adapted for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). It consists of extracting the woman's egg and man's sperm, fertilizing the egg outside of the body then inserting the fertilized egg into the woman's uterus in hopes that implantation will occur. The success rates for IVF vary depending on the clinic you choose, but in general are between 40 percent to 60 percent a cycle. Because IVF is an expensive procedure not ordinarily covered by insurance, you want to improve your chances as much as possible.Things You'll Need
- Healthy foods
- Water
Get plenty of sleep before and after your IVF procedure. It is important that you maintain low levels of stress during this time. Your doctor may ask you to have acupuncture before the procedure. Following the transfer, follow your doctor's instructions about getting plenty of rest.
Eat a balanced diet before and after your IVF procedure by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and protein. Drink plenty of water and hydrating fluids. Do not drink alcohol during this time. Avoid areas with heavy smoke and limit your caffeine intake.
Maintain a healthy weight during your IVF procedure. Most reproductive endocrinologists (RE) want your Body Mass Index (BMI) to be under 30 but between 20 and 25 is preferred.
Reduce your exercise and physical activity before and after your IVF procedure. Depending on your doctor's advice, do not lift anything over 5 to 10 lbs. during the first 48 hours.
Increase your chances of a successful IVF procedure by enhancing your partner's sperm quality with healthy eating, drinking plenty of water and taking herbs and supplements. Herbs that have shown an improvement in sperm quality and quantity include Vitamin E, B12, Selenium, Zinc, Flax Oil, Fish Oil, Vitamin C and Beta Carotene. A multi-vitamin is always a good idea.