How to Lift After an IVF
Relax your body for at least eight hours once you get home following the embryo transfer. The most exercise you should get during this time is walking from your bedroom to the bathroom or living room.
Increase your physical activity gradually after eight hours. Take short walks around your block to get your body moving.
Lift slowly using mostly your arm and shoulder muscles and less of your core muscles if you must do any heavy lifting within 48 hours of IVF.
Lift more weight once you return to work, going at a gradual pace. If your job consists of lifting more than 50 lbs, it is best to avoid these activities for at least 48 hours.
Continue with your normal exercise routine such as cardio and weight lifting after 48 hours following your IVF procedure. It is recommended you abstain from rigorous physical activity until you receive the results of the IVF procedure about 1 to 2 weeks following the implantation.