How to Administer an hCG Trigger Shot
Things You'll Need
- Alcohol swab
- 3cc syringe
- 1.5-inch needle
Alternate sides of the buttocks between injections. Locate the site where the shot will be administered and wipe the area with an alcohol swab.
Before administering the injection, tap the needle a few times to remove any air bubbles.
Use a smooth and dart-like motion to insert the needle at a 90-degree angle. Insert it until none of the needle is visible.
Slowly draw back on the plunger to be sure there is no blood in the syringe. If you do not see any blood, push the plunger slowly to inject the medication then remove the needle. If there is blood when you draw back the plunger, remove the needle and start the process over.
Cover the injection site with a clean swab and apply pressure, massaging the area for 30 seconds.
Dispose of the needle in a bio-hazard container or a plastic container that can be sealed