Baby Gender Selection Tips
Wives' Tales
There are many wives' tales related to the subject of baby gender selection. For instance, some of these tales suggest that eating red meat, salty food and soda can help to conceive a boy while eating fish, vegetables and sweet foods will make a couple more likely to conceive a girl. Certain love-making positions, such as standing up, are thought to help a couple to have a baby boy while the missionary position is rumoured to produce more baby girls. Some wives' tales imply that relaxed or contented couples are sure to conceive a girl while couples who are worried or stressed are more likely to have a baby boy.
Medical Methods
The Ericsson method separates X and Y sperm through a filtering process and then pairs a sperm containing a Y chromosome with an egg in order to have a boy or an X chromosome with an egg to have a girl. The Silverman Center for Gender Selection claims that this method is 70 to 72 percent effective.
The IVF/PGD method involves eggs being removed from a woman and fertilized with a man's sperm in a laboratory. The sex of the embryo is checked after cell division and only the embryos of the preferred gender are returned to the mother. The Silverman Center for Gender Selection suggests that the success rate for this technique is high.
Natural Methods
Some natural methods of gender selection claim to be based on scientific research but there is little evidence to suggest that these methods are reliable. The Shettles method, published by Landrum B. Shettles in 1970 in an article entitled "Factors Influencing Sex Ratios," is based on the theory that sperm carrying X chromosomes are stronger that Y-carrying chromosomes so they survive longer. As a sperm carrying a Y chromosome is required to conceive a boy, this method suggests that intercourse should occur close to ovulation when Y sperm are in greater demand if a boy is to be conceived.
The Whelan method also relies on timing intercourse but suggests the opposite of the Shettles Method, encouraging couples to have sex four to six days before ovulation for a boy. The fact that these two methods completely oppose each other highlights their unreliability.
Astrological Methods
Some couples choose to follow gender selection techniques based on astrological charts. Using this method, a couple who wishes to have a baby boy should have sex at night, preferably when there is a quarter moon, as well as attempt to conceive on odd days of the month and with the woman's head pointing north. If a baby girl is preferred, gender selection based on astrology requires a couple to have sex in the afternoon, on even days of the month and when the moon is full.