Tips on Bettering Your Vocals
Foods with certain vitamins help to keep your throat healthy, while other foods can stimulate mucus glands and leave you feeling congested. Some people feel this effect after drinking milk because certain proteins within milk can cause mucus production and buildup. Cheese, ice cream and other foods made from milk may also affect your voice, especially if you have a sensitivity or allergy. Vitamins A, E and C contribute to the health of mucus membranes lining your throat. You can get these vitamins by maintaining a healthy diet rich in grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Alcohol consumption irritates your throat in several ways. When you swallow alcohol, the direct contact between the liquid and your throat lining irritates the mucus membranes, resulting in excess mucus production. The diuretic properties of alcohol can also lead to dehydration. When your body loses fluids due to dehydration, your voice dries out as well. If you consume alcohol, do so only moderately and drink water to ease the damage.
Respiratory Factors
The smoke from cigarettes irritates your throat. Avoid second-hand smoke and, if you are a smoker, quit. Not only does cigarette smoke irritate your throat lining directly, it is also linked to cancer in your throat and lungs. Air pollution may also threaten your voice, so take steps to reduce its effects. Consider an indoor air filter to reduce particulates like dust and pet dander, and be conscious of outdoor pollution such as car exhaust.
Rest Your Voice
If your voice is hoarse or your throat is sore, avoid speaking any more than necessary and do not sing or shout. Avoid talking in noisy settings because trying to talk above the noise will strain your voice. Consider seeing a speech-language pathologist with experience treating voice problems, who can advise you on proper voice techniques.