How to Break Through a Rut of Being a Couch Potato
Be aware of the physical and emotional risks of being a couch potato. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to a variety of health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and poor circulation. Being a couch potato, referred to as the sitting disease, can also lead to depression and a general feeling of disconnection with the outside world.
Create an action plan and set realistic activity goals. If you are inactive, do not expect to become a star athlete within a week. Building strength and endurance takes time and you should start your activity plan slowly, with gradual increases in time and difficulty level. Simple activities around the house are more beneficial than one rigorous daily workout. Include both chores and fun activities in your plan.
Stand up each hour and perform 10 minutes of walking, stretching or bending. This enhances circulation and stretches cramped muscles. This is an important first step in breaking out of your couch potato rut.
Turn off your television and limit yourself to two to three hours of viewing per day. This makes television a special treat, rather than an excuse to be a couch potato all day. When you do watch television, use commercials as a time to get up and move around, which adds several minutes of activity to your day.
Combine daily chores with activities that you love. Chopping vegetables, cleaning out closets and folding laundry are good calorie-burning activities. Listening to music as you complete household tasks lets you enjoy singing and practicing a few dance steps, making chores a fun activity rather than an unpleasant burden.
Open windows to allow fresh breezes to flow through your home. Looking out the window for a few minutes every hour allows you to stretch your legs, while opening and closing windows is exercise for your arms. Fresh air is invigorating and makes you feel connected with nature.
Take up a new hobby such as painting, gardening or cooking. All these activities keep you off the couch, while exercising your muscles. When you perform activities you love, it makes it a fun adventure rather than a boring exercise routine, making you more likely to stick with it.
Begin a walking group in your neighborhood. Invite friends or neighbors to join you and make it a daily routine. Start out with a short 10- or 15-minute walk and gradually increase your speed and distance. Walking is a healthy way to stay in shape, while you enjoy fresh air and sunshine. If you are unable to walk distances, make a short stroll out to your porch or front yard a routine.