How to Feel Energized Before Work
Things You'll Need
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Whole-wheat toast
- Banana
- Water
- Towel
- Coffee
- Shirt
- Green tea (optional)
Eat a protein-filled breakfast. Instead of inhaling a sugary doughnut, pair hard-boiled eggs with whole-wheat toast and a banana. The combination of carbohydrates, fruit and protein keeps your blood sugar level and gives you an energy boost before heading to work.
Go for a 15 minute walk. This works best if it is already light out when you do it. The sunlight helps to stimulate your circadian rhythm so that you wake up quickly.
Put your hands under cold running water. Hold your face over the sink, close your eyes and splash your face with the water. This is a quick way to wake up and wash your face at the same time. Wipe it off with a towel.
Sip on one cup of coffee. Instead of gulping down huge mugs of coffee, fill one medium-sized cup with coffee. Slowly drinking it before going to work can help you feel energized without a huge hit of caffeine.
Slip on your favorite shirt. Putting on clothing that makes you look and feel good makes you feel more energized and ready to hit the ground running