Natural Ways to Stop Spiders From Biting
Leave Spiders Alone
Even though many people fear spiders, most spiders are harmless as long as they are left alone. If you see a spider, avoid aggravating it in any way, as this may upset the spider and cause it to bite you. Whenever a spider feels threatened, there is the possibility that it will attack. To get rid of a spider, trap it, cover it with a glass, slide a piece of paper underneath the glass, and release it outdoors far away from your home.
Keep Your Home Clean
A clean home, free of clutter, is unattractive to spiders. Cleaning your home can make a big difference in the amount of spiders you encounter. Throw out old furniture and clothes, eliminate storage boxes, and remove rock and woodpiles. Move your bed away from the wall to keep spiders from crawling from the wall to your bed. Use a broom to wipe away any visible spider webs, and vacuum the house to instantly kill any spiders and spider eggs. Outside, a high-pressure water hose can wash away any spiders from your home's foundation and patio.
Exclude Spiders
You can't encounter spiders and get bitten, if they can't come in your home. Caulk, seal and cover any holes and openings in the foundation of your home that may be used as an entry and exit point. Spiders can enter your home through an open door or window. Covering these with a screen helps keep spiders out. Any plants growing on the foundation of your home must be trimmed so they are separated from your home and can't serve as a stepping stone.
Natural Spider Repellents
Various natural repellents can help deter spiders from your home. Chestnuts are commonly placed in and around homes to keep spiders at bay. Even though not proven, many people believe they contain an aroma disliked by arachnids. Fruits from the Osage orange tree, also known as hedge apples, have a similar function. When placed around the parameter of your home, they may help keep spiders away.