How to Have a Positive Mindset
Things You'll Need
- Journal
- Thank You notes
Set goals for yourself and record details about your progress in a goal journal. Write about how achieving these goals will impact your life positively and brainstorm ways you plan to work toward these goals. Having something positive to work toward should uplift your thoughts. There's also a positive outcome. When you achieve your goals, you will have a reason to take pride in yourself.
Practice basic gratitude by writing thank you notes to friends and family and by taking notice of the little things that make each day special. Once you get into the habit of being grateful for the little things you will begin to notice just how many reasons there are to be thankful. An attitude of gratitude is key in keeping a positive mindset.
Limit the time you spend worrying. Rather than dwelling on a negative situation or a problem for days at a time, set aside a particular time to deal with it or to think about a solution. Distract yourself by spending time with friends and family or by engaging in an enjoyable activity .Brainstorm ways to deal with the issue when the time comes. Once you have a plan in place, you are less likely to worry about the problem.
Avoid negative self-talk. Do not put yourself down for minor failures or for not being the kind of person you think you should be. Remind yourself which of your qualities you particularly value and think about the positive things others have said about you.
Avoid spending too much time with negative friends and co-workers. Some people simply love to complain and if you surround yourself with these people it will be more of a struggle for you to maintain a positive mindset. If you're around people whose attitudes begin to bring you down, change the subject or excuse yourself from their company.
Take the time to do things you enjoy. Spend time with friends and family, treat yourself to a movie or a nice dinner out and find time each day to do something just for yourself. If you spend your days catering to others without doing anything for yourself, you may have a difficult time staying positive.
Do not be afraid to try new things. You cannot know what you are capable of until you try it. Do not let the fear of failure or rejection keep you from attempting something that you might actually enjoy or excel at. Even if you do not succeed every time, you should take pride in yourself for trying.
Keep your body healthy. Mental and physical health are closely linked so the healthier your body is, the more likely you are to have a positive mindset. You don't need to go to the gym every day or stick to a strict diet; simply try to work in a few days of exercise each week and make healthy food choices.