How to Improve Flexibility in the Hips
Perform light cardiovascular exercise to warm up your body. Focus on exercises that target the lower body. Exercise on a stationary bike, elliptical machine, or walk on a treadmill for about 12 minutes. Always warm up your body before performing stretches, because a warm body is more flexible, and stretching while cold might result in injuries.
Perform hip flexion exercises. Lie on your back on a flat surface. Place your arms next to your body, and stretch your legs out on the floor. Bend your left knee, and lift if as far as you comfortably can, toward your chest. Hold the stretch for three seconds, and lay your leg back down on the floor. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times before switching legs. Work your way up to completing 20 repetitions per leg.
Incorporate hip abduction exercises. Lie on your back with your arms next to your body and legs stretched out. Flex your feet. Move your left leg outward to the left side as far as you can. Keep your leg straight with the knee pointing upward. Slowly move your leg back to its starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times, and aim to eventually complete 20 repetitions. Switch legs after completing the repetitions on one leg.
Stretch your hip flexor muscles. Kneel down on the floor. Step your left foot forward so your upper leg forms a 90-degree angle with your lower leg. Avoid letting your left knee go over your left toes. Keep you right knee on the floor. Place your hands on the left knee for support. Push your hips gently downward to stretch your hip area. Hold the stretch up to 30 seconds before switching legs.
Perform hip sweeps to loosen up your hips. Lie on your left side with your legs directly on top of each other. Bend you left leg backward at the knee. Place your left elbow on the floor, and support your head with your left hand. Point your right toe and slowly sweep your right leg forward as far as you can without bending the leg. Swing the leg backward with a controlled motion until you feel the contraction in your buttocks. Keep your upper body still during the sweeping motions; only the lower body moves. Complete 12 sweeps before switching legs.