How to Make a Stand Up Job Easier on Your Legs and Feet
Take breaks as often as possible and find a place to sit down during breaks. Sitting down takes pressure off your legs and feet, giving them time to rest.
Make sure your work surface is at a comfortable height if you work at a counter or table. Bending over and reaching up less can help lessen strain on your feet and legs. If the work surface cannot be adjusted, speak to your employer about getting a platform to stand on.
Bend one leg at a time slightly to take the pressure off of it and let it relax. Alternate the leg that is being relaxed to give each leg a little break occasionally.
Practice good posture when standing. When you must stand for long periods of time, it is important to stand up tall.
Walk correctly when you are on your feet all day at work. Keep your head up with your chin parallel to the ground. Let your arms swing naturally and keep your feet pointing straight in front of you.
Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes with proper support. Walking shoes with padded arch supports work well for workers standing on their feet for extended periods of time. Some shoes are also made with anti-fatigue technology, which is designed to minimize stress on the feet.