Do Lice Tend to Live in Color Treated Hair?
Head Lice
Head lice are sesame seed-sized bugs that infest the scalp, particularly behind the ears and just above the neck. Head lice live off of the blood they ingest from bites. Since lice cannot jump or fly, they are spread through close contact or the sharing of personal objects like hairbrushes and hats. Unless plucked off the scalp, head lice do not leave the scalp until they die. Needing human blood to survive, head lice do not live long once removed from the scalp.
A person may have head lice and not have any obvious symptoms. According to WebMD, itching on the scalp may start weeks or even months after lice have started to spread. Even though lice do not carry disease, infections can form from scratching the scalp when the skin is broken and begins to ooze.
Color-Treated Hair
Lice do not discriminate. They will live in clean, dirty, curly, straight, natural or color-treated hair. The MadSci Network explains that there is no evidence that dye or bleach kills or prevents head lice infestations, in the concentrations normally used, so dyed or colored hair is no protection. MadSci warns "Using these products to kill lice will cause injury to the scalp, burns to the scalp, loss of hair and other dangers."
Because lice will not disappear on their own and cannot be washed away by regular shampooing, treatment should be started as soon as symptoms begin. Over-the-counter and prescription strength shampoos and creams are most often used to get rid of head lice. Since lice lay eggs in the hair and on the scalp, it might be necessary to complete two or three rounds of treatment to eliminate all of the lice. Washing bedding and clothing in hot water will also help remove lice, their waste and eggs.