Types Of Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is often used as a disinfectant. It's a clear, non-flammable liquid that's slightly thicker than water and can be diluted with water when needed. Hydrogen peroxide is being considered as a replacement for the chlorination process in many waste management companies as a safer alternative to traditional bleach. In most applications hydrogen peroxide is similar in cost to chlorination and is thought to have less environmental effect than chlorination.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide is often used to clean the skin and help clear up acne problems. Used as a topical agent in cream or liquid form, benzoyl peroxide helps fight the bacteria below the skin, reducing acne breakouts. Benzoyl peroxide can also be found in some teeth-whitening and hair-lightening products.
Lipid Peroxide
Lipid peroxide is the chemical damage done to polyunsaturated fatty acids by oxygen free radicals. The damage is done to cell membranes and results in the production of lipid peroxide. Higher than normal levels may result in severe health issues like stroke or heart disease.
Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide peroxide is a compound peroxide created when hydrogen peroxide is combined with urea. Often used as a teeth-whitening product, carbamide peroxide is often used in various forms and strengths to treat mouth sores and remove ear wax.
Side Effects
The side effects of topical use of peroxide commonly include redness, flaking or peeling skin, rash and a burning sensation. Typically these side effects go away over time. You can minimize the side effects by only using peroxide as often as needed to see the desired results. If side effects don't go away or if they become worse, you should consult with a medical professional.