Types of Oxygen Delivery Devices With H-Cylinders
Two types of oxygen delivery devices work with H-cylinders. One is meant for an adult, and one is meant for a child. The adult type of H-cylinder oxygen delivery device has four pressure settings, which are measured in pounds per square inch: 2,000, 1,500, 1,000 and 500 psi. In addition to the pressure settings, each H-cylinder oxygen delivery device has a "liter flow per minute" designation, which determines how fast the oxygen is delivered to the patient. These devices release oxygen at a rate between 1 and 5 L per minute.
H-cylinder oxygen delivery devices equipped for pediatric patients have the same pressure settings as those equipped for adult patients. However, since children require much less oxygen than adults, the "liter flow per minute" designations are much smaller. For the pediatric oxygen delivery system, these devices release oxygen at 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 L per minute.
These devices may be equipped with one of several different types of valves. Some must be turned and off with a wrench, while other have an on and off toggle switch that can be operated by hand. Some come with gauges that display pressure readings, while others do not. Finally, some come with a hand wheel used to turn the valve on and off.
Depending on the pressure setting used and the "liter flow per minute" designation used, the oxygen will last for a particular length of time. For example, a tank set at 2,000 psi that releases oxygen at 1 L per minute continuously will last for four days and six hours.