How to Rid the Body of Carbon Dioxide

Your body creates carbon dioxide as part of the respiratory process. When you breathe in, your body uses oxygen molecules from the air and sugar molecules from what you eat to create energy. Carbon dioxide is one of the by-products of this power production cycle, much like it is produced in smoke when you burn wood in a fire. Too much carbon dioxide may give you a headache or make you vomit. Use controlled breathing techniques to safely rid the body of carbon dioxide without bringing about the symptoms of low carbon dioxide.


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      Go somewhere with fresh air. Car engines, fires and industrial settings are common sources of carbon dioxide. Your body wants to breathe in fresh air, and these things are sources of excess carbon dioxide.

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      Breathe normally when you are at rest or not undergoing cardiac exercise. Your brain automatically tells your body how deeply and frequently it should breathe. The breathing cycle rids your body of carbon dioxide and brings in fresh oxygen.

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      Breathe slowly when you are out of breath, gasping air or notice that your rate of breathing has accelerated. When you allow yourself to take quick, shallow breaths in these situations, you risk hyperventilation.

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      Take deep breaths when you are panting, gasping or breathing rapidly. Feel your lungs fill entirely, then exhale until you feel like you have completely emptied them. This also helps fight hyperventilation and expels the carbon dioxide from your body in a controlled manner.

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