How to Create an Abundance Mentality
Focus on long-term goals. Just because you experience a minor setback doesn't mean that you won't eventually get where you want to go. The abundance mentality says that there will be new chances for you to work toward your goals.
Remind yourself of your blessings and strengths whenever you are tempted to think of your weaknesses, needs or failures. The opposite of abundance mentality is called "scarcity mentality." Don't allow yourself to get into a spiral of thinking negatively. When negative thoughts arise, immediately replace them with positive reminders.
Form and maintain relationships with others who share an abundance mentality. Other people who have a positive mindset will help to encourage you. You don't have to completely shun those in your life who don't share an abundance mentality, but don't surround yourself with a majority of negative thinkers. Too much negative input will likely make cultivating a positive outlook more difficult.
Write down evidence of opportunities and positive events each day. Begin a personal journal. Make it as brief or as detailed as you like. Keeping this type of record helps you to look back and reflect on real life instances of your abundance mentality taking form.