Pros & Cons of Vision Simulator
Improved Vision
By far the greatest benefit of vision simulation for the visually impaired is the restoration of sight or improvement of vision. Eye glasses are the simplest form of vision simulation. However, imaging devices that connect directly to the visual cortex of the visually impaired person are considered far more advanced. The restoration of sight is by far the greatest benefit of vision simulation.
Health Risks
Advanced vision simulation methods for restoring sight vary in their degree of safety and success. Some vision simulation procedures are considered dangerous, as the procedure can involve invasive surgery. However, the success rate for some procedures is remarkable. Still, further irreparable damage can be caused.
Inaccurate Representation
Vision simulation tools that help those with sight experience what the world is like for a visually impaired person are somewhat limited in what can be achieved. Normally such devices are worn for brief periods and the wearer never truly understands how it must feel to be visually impaired. In addition, many conditions can not be simulated accurately through vision simulation devices.
Improved Perspective
Some with perfect vision take for granted that reading a menu or street sign is impossible for a large number of people. Vision simulation devices help those with perfect vision develop compassion and understanding for those who struggle with vision impairment issues.