Should You Bandage a Cut or Let Air Get to It?
Bandages keep wounds moister than letting them air dry. They also protect wounds from further damage. Because bandages help keep wounds moist, they are often used for deep cuts that could leave a scar. According to Family, the moisture from a bandage will help avoid scarring from the wound. According to the Mayo Clinic, exposing wounds to air often helps them heal more quickly.
Details of Bandages
Bandages are ideal for certain types of cuts and scrapes. If the cut is in a place likely to get dirty, such as on knuckles or hands, a bandage helps keep the wound clean. A bandage is also ideal for a cut that is bleeding or continues to bleed periodically. If the cut is on a knuckle or another place on the body that is prone to being jarred, a bandage also works well because it prevents further damage to the wound.
Using Ointments
Many people apply antibiotic ointment to a cut to prevent infection. Antibiotic creams help keep cuts clean and add moisture to the cuts to help them heal and prevent scarring. A bandage can help keep the ointment from rubbing off on clothing or objects.
Cleaning Wounds
According to the Mayo Clinic, when you get a cut or scrape, first apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. After that, clean the cut with water, avoiding soap, which can cause irritations. If using a bandage, change it often so the cut will be covered with a clean, dry bandage at all times.