Natural Way to Heal Cracked Corners of Mouth
Things You'll Need
- Healthy diet
- Multivitamin or Riboflaven
- Natural lip ointments
- Zinc oxide
- Honey
- Petroleum jelly
- Warm water
- Washcloth
Make healthy food choices. Choose foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, colorful and fresh. Healthy carbohydrates include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans, while unhealthy carbs feature white flour and refined sugar. Foods with monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil and avocados, in addition to foods rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, are necessary for healthy skin.
Add supplements to your diet, such as a multivitamin or riboflavin B-2. Riboflavin helps protect cells for oxygen damage and supports cellular energy. One sign of being deficient in riboflavin is cracked skin at the mouth's corners.
Use a soothing ointment on your lips and at the corners of your mouth. Apply a protective lip balm with tea tree oil, jojoba oil, Shea butter or coconut oil twice daily. When in the sun, use a product with zinc oxide to shield the sun's harmful rays.
Keep the area clean and dry. Refrain from biting your nails, licking your lips or eating greasy foods. Break habits such as biting the caps of pens or sucking on fingers. Any moisture, such as saliva, irritates the cracks and prohibits healing.
Apply honey to the cracks using a cotton swab. Keep your lips still for 30 seconds to set the honey. Dip a fresh cotton swab in petroleum jelly and apply on top of the honey. Leave on for a half hour. Apply a warm washcloth to the mouth. Wipe carefully to remove the honey and petroleum jelly.
Consult your doctor. Persistent cracks at the mouth is a disease called Angular Cheilitis. Inflammatory lesions appear at the corners of your mouth and can lead to ulcerations. Tell your doctor what you have been using and see if she recommends something stronger.