What Are the Ways of Telling Temperature?
Ear Temperature
One way to take a temperature is to use a tympanic thermometer in the ear. The thermometer works by reading the infrared heat ways the eardrum releases. To take the temperature, pull the ear slightly backwards and insert the thermometer tip just inside the ear canal. This method is ideal for small children, as they typically require a small amount of cooperation and cause no discomfort; however, tympanic thermometers are generally expensive and occasionally give an inaccurate reading.
Oral Temperature
Another way to take a temperature is to use a thermometer under the tongue. This method requires a child to keep the thermometer pressed firmly under the tongue with the mouth closed for two to three minutes. This method of measuring temperature is ideal for older children who are able to cooperate while the thermometer is in the mouth. Avoid giving a child any hot or cold drink 30 minutes prior to taking the temperature, as this can cause an inaccurate reading.
Rectal Temperature
The most accurate way to take a temperature is to use a thermometer in the rectum. Typically, a doctor will recommend taking rectal temperatures for children under 3 years of age to receive the most accurate reading. To take a rectal temperature, use petroleum jelly on the thermometer and on the rectum. Lie the child down on the stomach and insert the thermometer 1 inch into the rectum. After two to three minutes, remove the thermometer to view the reading.
Armpit Temperature
You can also take a temperature by using a thermometer underneath the armpit. While this method gives the least accurate reading, it is ideal for uncooperative children. Prior to taking the temperature, ensure the underarm area is dry. Place the tip of the thermometer under the arm and hold the arm close to the side for approximately five minutes.
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