How to Get Rid of Smelly Socks
Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial soap
- Towel
- Hair dryer
- Baking soda
- Shoe insoles
- Cotton socks
Wash your feet thoroughly each day using an antibacterial soap, including between the toes. Dry your feet and between the toes with a towel. Wait 10 to 15 minutes before putting on socks to be sure the feet are dry, or use a hair dryer to finish drying your feet after towel drying.
Wear cotton socks, which breathe better, helping to prevent sweat. The cotton material soaks up sweat too, which helps limit odors. In addition, wear socks that have an anti-bacterial finish, available online, in pharmacies and sporting goods stores. Shoe insoles that kill bacteria and eliminate odors are also available.
Wear shoes that breathe and allow for good air circulation. Shoes that made from synthetic materials breathe less than shoes made from natural materials, such as leather. Some synthetic shoes, however, have designs made with a lightweight mesh to promote good air circulation, thus allowing them to breathe better.
Wear a different pair of shoes than the day before to give your shoes time to air and dry out before you wear them again. You can also sprinkle baking soda inside the shoes when they are not in use to help eliminate odors.
Wear a different pair of socks everyday and wash them in hot water and bleach if possible. Get into the habit of changing your socks about half way through the day and whenever possible, take off your shoes and socks and allow your feet to breathe and dry out if they are sweating.
Apply antiperspirants on your feet, allowing them to dry out before putting on your socks. According to Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine, this can sometimes help persons eliminate foot odors. They also recommend trying a benzoyl peroxide gel, which is an over-the-counter medication applied to the feet. They do caution, though, that it has a bleaching affect, which can damage some fabrics.
Consult your doctor if all attempts to get rid of your smelly feet, socks and shoes fail. He may prescribe a prescription topical medication that kills bacteria.