How to Control Your Daydreams

Learning to control your daydreams takes time and practice. Most people spend an average of 47 percent of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they are presently doing, according to a 2010 study performed by Harvard psychologists. When you daydream you aren’t asleep, but you’re not entirely in tune with reality. Clearing your mind can greatly help to control your daydreams. Many people struggle with the ability to stay in the present state of mind, especially if they are procrastinating, bored, or doing something they don’t feel like doing. It is important to daydream; that is what fuels goals, ambitions and helps to solve problems. It's helpful to learn how to control your daydreams so you can be productive with your time.


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      Notice your daydreams. This is important since many people don’t realize they are daydreaming until several minutes have passed. Once you acknowledge your mind is wandering you are able to stop that daydream if you wish.

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      Repeat affirmations, such as, "I’m in the present moment." Gently bring your attention back to where you want it. The more you are able to bring yourself back to the present, the less you’ll find yourself daydreaming because you’ll be better able to control your mind.

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      Take time every 30 minutes to clear your mind. When you clear your mind, it re-energizes itself. Close your eyes and focus only on your breathing for five minutes.

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      Figure out what time of day you have the most energy. Use this time to be the most productive since it’s less likely you will drift off into daydreaming. Save your downtime and periods of low energy to sort out your thoughts and worries.

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      Make a schedule for your day. Write down your objectives along with a time allotted for this activity. A schedule will help keep you on track and lessen the chances of unnecessary thoughts.

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      Keep track on a sheet of paper how many times you catch yourself daydreaming. You will be able to figure out what is and is not working to control your daydreams.

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      Develop a strategy to keep control of your conscious thoughts for 50 minutes of every hour. Allow yourself 10 minutes per hour to daydream as you please. Reward yourself for successfully completing a task. Call a friend, take a walk or eat a healthy snack.

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