The Best Features for an Elliptical Trainer
High Tech Features
More and more elliptical trainers come with high-tech features, such as built-in heart rate monitors or docks to which you can hook up your MP3 player or smartphone. Such features can make a big difference and push your fitness to another level. For example, using your MP3 player on the elliptical to listen to loud, upbeat music may help you to exercise harder and longer. Meanwhile, monitoring your heart rate can help you to more accurately gauge your exercise intensity.
Safety Mechanisms
An elliptical has many moving parts, which can injure you as well as pose a hazard for small pets and children. The best ellipticals have built-in safety features that keep you and your family safe. For example, some machines have a locking mechanism that prevents the pedals from moving when the machine isn't on.
Resistance Modification
An elliptical offers adjustable resistance settings that make it harder or easier to move the trainer's pedals, thus increasing or decreasing your workout intensity. In general, most ellipticals use either standard magnetic resistance or electro-magnetic resistance to create resistance. The former technology requires a moving magnet that affects the machine's flywheel, which in turn affects the pedal movement. The latter option uses an electrical current instead of a moving magnet. While the electro-magnetic option is more expensive and accurate, it has fewer moving parts -- and therefore may be more durable.
Some elliptical trainer models allow you to adjust the machine's pedal incline or the arm handle positioning. Such adjustable mechanisms change which muscles the machine targets, thus helping to give you a harder workout. In fact, some ellipticals even have automatic workout programs that raise or lower the incline automatically while you're using the machine. Not only does the ability to adjust the machine change your workout intensity, but it can also make your workout more interesting, easier to manage and keep you motivated to exercise.
Every elliptical trainer is different in terms of size and the positioning of its handles, pedals and other features. Before choosing an elliptical, get on it and try it out. Pay attention to key ergonomic areas. For example, notice how your legs feel and make sure your knees aren't bumping together or that your hips don't hurt. The handle positioning should also feel comfortable and not put a strain on your shoulders or elbows.