Facts About Working Out After Dinner
If working out after dinner is the best fit for your schedule, you might need to adjust your diet accordingly. Eating a large meal too close to your workout time, particularly one that includes fatty foods, could upset your stomach, giving you cramps, diarrhea or nausea. Instead of a heavy dinner, eat a light meal with carbohydrates and protein two to three hours before you plan to exercise. Fruit, yogurt, lean meats and whole grains are ideal choices for a pre-workout meal. Eating your main meal of the day at lunchtime could help you feel better.
Exercise can help you sleep better, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). People who exercise at any time of day tend to sleep better because they get more REM sleep, the deep sleep in which you dream. Exercising after dinner in terms of its relation to sleep quality ends up being a matter of personal choice. NSF experts say it's safe and effective for many people to work out before going to bed. Some people, however, find that the rise in body temperature and mental stimulation caused by nighttime exercise leads to insomnia. Experiment with your workout times to determine what works for you.
A post-dinner workout might exhaust you, but the stimulation can make falling asleep difficult. Switching to a different type of workout might help you rest more easily. Yoga and easy stretching may be more effective than running or playing a vigorous game of soccer after dinner, because it helps your mind and body wind down. According to "Yoga Journal," forward bends such as Downward-Facing Dog and the Plow pose cause your central nervous system to relax. Backward bends, on the other hand, provide too much stimulation for an evening workout.
Think Outside the Box
Working out after dinner doesn't necessarily have to mean running for miles or even leaving the house. After dinner for many people is a time for relaxing and spending time with your family. Think outside the boundaries of conventional exercise to sneak in some activity minutes during your regular evening routine. Do jumping jacks while you watch television or complete a set of pushups during the commercials. Walk around the block with your spouse after dinner or while you talk to friends or family on the phone. The possibilities of what physical activity can include are endless.