What Can You Do to Prepare Your Body for an Activity Such as Rollerblading?
Ankle Strengthening
Rollerblading, like ice skating, relies on strong ankles. People who are not accustomed to skating or have weak ankles will feel the fatigue in these delicate joints quickly during a rollerblading workout. Range-of-motion exercises such as ankle rotations, along with toe raises and calf stretches, stretch and strengthen your ankles as well as the muscles in your lower leg. Leg swings -- balancing on one foot and swinging your leg back and forth like a pendulum -- also build strong ankles and have the added benefit of keeping your hips loose and flexible. Perform ankle-strengthening exercises three times a week.
Balance Exercises
Balance exercises prepare your body for the one-legged balance you'll need as you take each rolling stride. Ankle-strengthening leg swings can double as a balance exercise. Back leg raises replicate the gliding motion of rollerblading. Hold on to the back of a chair for support if needed as you lift one leg out behind you, keeping your knee as straight as possible. Standing on one foot for 10 to 15 seconds at a time can also improve your balance before you start a rollerblading workout.
Core Exercises
Rollerblading demands a lot from your core, which includes your hips, back and abdominal muscles. Core-strengthening exercises such as bridges, crunches, planks and quadrupeds build up these muscle groups to improve balance, increase endurance and prevent injury. Incorporate core exercises into your workout routine several times weekly.
Safety Equipment
Prepare yourself for a safe and fun-filled rollerblading session with the proper safety equipment. Close-fitting wrist guards as well as elbow and knee pads can prevent sprains and fractures if you fall. Choose a skating or bicycle helmet that fits snugly and sits low over your forehead. Don your safety equipment before you put on your skates. Warm up for at least 10 minutes with some stretching or slow skating before you jump into a vigorous workout to reduce your risk of injury.