How to Stay in Shape at a Desk Job
Move as much as possible during the day. If you need to communicate with a colleague sitting on the other side of the room, get up and walk to his desk rather than sending him an email or calling him. Take the stairs to the next floor every time you have to use the restroom. These small things might not seem like much at first, but they allow you to stretch your legs and move around regularly throughout the work day. Stand up when making phone calls or reading memos, for example.
Take advantage of your lunch hour to sneak in some exercise. Stop bringing your lunch to work so you're forced to get up from your desk and go outside to get some food. Then walk as far as you can to buy something to eat, rather than stopping at the cafe next door. If you have any time left after eating, go for a stroll.
Do stretches and muscle exercises while at your desk. Stretching your arms over your head can help release back and shoulder tension, especially if you do this several times throughout the day. Or try using something heavy -- like a heavy-duty stapler -- in place of dumbbells to do bicep curls. Try doing squats and lunges by your desk.
Bike or walk to work if at all possible. If that's not an option because you live too far away from the office, try jumping off the bus before your regular stop so you can walk the rest of the way. Or catch a ride with a co-worker in the morning and then do a combination bus ride/walk on your way back home.