How to Train the Eye
Vision therapy refers to a number of eye movement and focusing exercises you may use to strengthen vision. Muscles in the back of the eye control the eye's movement, and certain exercises strengthen those muscles. You can learn to control your eye muscles and vision. This results in better eye coordination, efficiency and functioning of your system of vision.Things You'll Need
- Small objects (such as orange, apple, ball, pen, juice bottle)
- Table
- Detailed photograph
- Detailed artwork
- Pencil
- Paper
Cover one eye with your hand, and peer at a single object continuously for one to three minutes, taking note only of minute details in the object. Rest for 10 minutes and then repeat the exercise. Do this exercise every other day for six days.
Align several different objects on the table. Cover your eye with one hand, and stare for 30 seconds at each object in succession. Repeat this exercise several times in one session. This exercise can replace the exercise of staring at one object. The amount of time spent training your eyes can also increase to 15 to 20 minutes every other day, if you are able to do so without feeling any eye strain.
Follow slowly with your eyes an intricate pattern in a detailed painting or photograph, paying attention to the details. You can lay a detailed piece of artwork on the table and trace it with your pencil very slowly and deliberately, taking care to trace every detailed line and nuance in the art or photo. This both strengthens your eyes and teaches you to observe details.
Hold up your left hand if you are right-handed; hold up your right hand if you are left-handed. Observe the details in the lines in your hand. Take about one minute to explore the lines and contours of your hand, without verbalizing. Using a pencil and paper, draw your hand, without looking at the paper. You should take at least three to five minutes in slowly outlining and drawing details of your hand; you can also include your wrist. Carefully draw each line in your hand very slowly and deliberately. This both trains and strengthens your eyes. The resultant drawing will only have the faint appearance of a hand, and the lines and markings will most likely not connect, but this exercise is a helpful step in eye training.