How to Use an Oxygen Mask

Administering oxygen is a fairly straightforward task. It involves regulating the flow of oxygen from a canister through tubing to a few types of devices, most often an oxygen mask that fits over the nose and mouth or a nasal cannula that pinches to the nostrils. Either delivery method is easy to perform on another person, or to yourself.


    • 1

      Inspect your oxygen canister for physical damage.

    • 2

      Connect one end of your oxygen tubing to the flow nozzle on the canister regulator, the other to your nasal cannula or oxygen mask intake nozzle.

    • 3

      Turn the regulator lever until the gauge indicates the flow recommended by your physician; generally, 1 to 6 liters per minute for a nasal cannula and from 10 to 15 lpm for a mask.

    • 4

      Listen for oxygen flow where it escapes at the mask.

    • 5

      Pinch the nasal cannula onto the nostrils of the patient, or hold the oxygen mask over the nose and mouth.

    • 6

      Feed the ends of the nasal cannula over the patient's ears to hold it in place, or pull the oxygen mask's head band over the patient's head.

    • 7

      Adjust the flow of oxygen with the regulator knob.

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