How to Donate Plasma in Joplin, Missouri
Things You'll Need
- Identification
Go to Biolife's website and make sure you meet all eligibility requirements. Donors must be between the ages of 18 and 65. A minimum weight of 110 pounds is also required. You must also have a valid ID with a Social Security number, picture, signature, date of birth and proof that you are a current resident of Joplin, Missouri.
Schedule an initial appointment with BioLife by calling the Joplin center at 417-782-7755. You can also register on the company's website.
Show up for your appointment at 1803 W. 32nd St. on time, show your identification and fill out an electronic questionnaire about your health and medical history.
Pass a pre-donation plasma screening. In this process, blood is taken from your finger to ensure that you have high enough protein levels to donate plasma. You must pass a screening before every plasma donation.
Pass an onsite physical examination.
Hook up to the plasmapheresis machine. This entails the insertion of a needle into a vein in your arm.
Wait an hour and a half while blood is taken from your arm. The plasmapheresis machine removes the plasma from your blood; your blood is then returned to your body.
Receive a BioLife Plasma debit card. This is how your will receive payment each time you donate.
Schedule an appointment for later in the week. While you can donate twice weekly, you must wait at least one day between donations.