How to Keep Yourself Physically and Mentally Challenged
Exercise. Besides reducing your risk of developing diseases and helping maintain a healthy body weight, exercise puts you in a better mood and gives you more energy to do your normal, daily tasks. If you haven't exercised in a long time, build your endurance. Go for a 20-minute walk with your dog or play a game of basketball. Once you get into shape, do more difficult workouts, such as jogging for an hour five days a week or going rock climbing. Challenge yourself with physical activities that you never thought you could do.
Enroll in a college course. Even if you have already graduated with a college degree, it never hurts to learn something new. Determine what subject you would like to learn more about and go to a local community college to enroll in a class. Do not feel intimidated if you have been out of school for a while. Many instructors are willing to offer extra assistance after class, and most colleges have tutors who help students in need.
Play mentally challenging games, such as crossword puzzles, Sudoku and hangman. These games are not only fun to play, they also can improve your memory. The Internet also offers many games that improve your memory. Exercise your brain by solving riddles, puzzles, logic problems and mind puzzles online.
Spend time with your family and friends. According to the Mayo Clinic, socializing with others helps fight depression and stress. If you have nothing to do on a Saturday night, call one of your friends and ask her to go see a movie with you. Also, make an effort to attend the events to which you are invited.