How to Insert a Catheter
Things You'll Need
- Urinary catheter of the appropriate size
- Urinary drainage bag and connecting tube
- Sterile lubricant
- Antiseptic solution and sterile cotton balls
- Sterile 5 to 10 mL syringe filled with sterile water
- Sterile gloves
- Sterile drapes
Choose an appropriate urinary catheter. A Foley catheter is the most commonly used indwelling urinary catheter. Foley catheters are a standard length of 18 inches but are different diameters. In general, a 14F or 18F size rubber Foley is adequate to catheterize adult males and females for short terms. For children, choose a catheter size based on the child's age and weight, starting with a 6F size for newborns and up to 12F to 14F for children 27 kg and above.
Place the patient in the proper position for inserting the catheter. A female patient should lie flat on her back with knees flexed and out to the sides and the soles of the feet pressing against one another. A male patient should lie flat on his back.
Open the catheter tray and catheter. Connect the drainage bag to the catheter using the connecting tube. Place all necessary items on a sterile field near patient's bedside for easy accessibility. Squeeze a large amount of sterile lubricant onto the sterile field, enough to cover the tip of the catheter. Make sure all equipment is open and accessible because only one of hand will be sterile once you start the procedure.
Put on sterile gloves and cover the patient's perineal area with sterile drape, exposing the genital area.
Soak the cotton balls with antiseptic. Make sure syringe is filled with at least 5 mL of sterile water. Use your left hand, which will be your nonsterile hand, to find the patient's urethra. Spread the labia In female patients to find the urethra. Use the antiseptic soaked cotton balls to clean the area overlying and around the urethra. In males, include the glans of the penis. In females, include the labia. Test the catheter balloon by injecting at least five mL of sterile water into the balloon port. If the balloon inflates properly, deflate it.
Dip the tip of the catheter into the lubricant jelly and insert the catheter into the urethra with your right hand while the left hand continues to spread the labia or hold up the penis to expose the urethra. Continue advancing the catheter until you see urine begin to flow down the tubing and into the collection container. Again, inflate the catheter balloon, but this time unhook the syringe. Now pull the catheter out of the urethra toward you until you feel resistance.
Tape the tubing to the inside of the thigh and place the bag where the tubing cannot tug it.