How to Remove Duoderm
Things You'll Need
- Saline solution
- Cotton balls
Position yourself or the patient comfortably. Sit upright in bed with your leg stretched out, or place your arm on a steady soft surface. If you are removing someone else's dressing, get the patient to lie down and relax.
Hold one corner of the DuoDERM patch. Press the other hand on the undamaged skin next to the patch, and pull it taut.
Pull the corner of the DuoDERM patch away from the skin. Hold it at a shallow angle against the skin to reduce discomfort. Keep pulling the skin back with the other hand to help the patch peel away.
Dampen a cotton ball with saline solution, and blot it around the edges of the DuoDERM dressing to soften the adhesive. Squirt more solution directly onto the dressing if it does not loosen.
Continue to draw the dressing away from the surface of the skin. Be firm but gentle when you do this. If the skin is torn beneath the dressing, do not pull the patch off. Leave it to dislodge independently.