Health-Related Activities for Kids
Sing a song about good health habits, such as hand washing, tooth brushing or a eating a balanced diet. Choose a tune that children are likely to already know, such as "Row Row Row Your Boat" or "The Wheels on the Bus." Sample lyrics that would go to "Row Row Row Your Boat" are "Wash Wash Wash Your Hands / Scrub Them Nice and Clean" and so on. Be creative and even a little silly when coming up with the new lyrics to make them appealing and memorable for the kids. Add large motor movements that go with the message and the beat.
Jumping Rope
Have kids jump rope alone or in a group. Add a jingle with a good rhythm that encourages positive behavior. Although many traditional jump rope jingles may endorse negative aspects of society, books of poetry written for children should yield verses with positive messages and good rhythm.
Coloring Pages
Color a picture of the USDA food pyramid. When you serve the day's snack, discuss to which part of the pyramid the food belongs. Let children name some of their favorite foods that belong in each part.
Cutting and Gluing
Bring in food ads or family magazines. Have the kids cut out pictures of food and ask them to glue the food to paper plates. Younger children will be happy just cutting and gluing. Ask older children to find foods that will make up a balanced meal.
Take a Walk
Walking is good exercise. If possible, walk around a park or along a nature trail. If this is not an option, show a video or read a book and walk in place during suitable portions of the story.