Home Caregivers Home Supplies Checklist

Being a home caregiver can be a very hard role to take on. Having the right supplies and products can help ease the stress of the caregiving workload and benefit the person being cared for as well. Most assistive supplies can be found at local drug stores or online. The caregiver may want to check with the patient's insurance company because certain home health aid products are often partially or completely covered by insurance.
  1. Bath

    • Bathing can be a difficult task for caregivers to complete with their patients if mobility is limited and the bathroom is not equipped for easy transition in and out of the tub. A variety of tub handles are available that securely fasten to the tub, giving the patient something to hold on to when getting in and out of the tub.

      Larger models are available that provide handles as well as a bench for the person to sit on. This eliminates the need for the patient to climb completely down into the tub and struggle try to get back up and out.

      Handheld showers and rubber bathmats can also make for a safer bath experience.


    • A variety of bed rails is available for standard home beds to prevent the patient from falling out. They provide the patient with something to grab to help ease the transition out of bed. Bed rails can also help the caregiver help her charge get in and out of bed. You can purchase these for one or all sides of the bed.

      Waterproof mattress covers are essential to protect the mattress from incontinence accidents.


    • Special tables and trays are available that fit over beds or chairs and give the patient something to eat on without needing to be transferred to a different area of the home.

      Washable and waterproof bibs help protect clothing or bedding from food and drink during meal times.

    Personal Hygeine

    • A bed pan is a necessary item for eliminating trips to the bathroom which can be a daunting task if transferring the patient is difficult to do or even impossible. Different styles are available for men and women.

      Cleansing cloths are very useful for cleaning up after meals, bathroom breaks or if the person is unable to bathe on a daily basis. For washing in between baths, inflatable basins are available for hair washing and washing the body.

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