What Are Some Common Excuses for Smoking?
Activity Excuses
Some smokers claim they need to smoke because of their lifestyles or activities. Some say that they have a lot of stress in their lives and that the nicotine in cigarettes helps relax them. Others may say that smoking cigarettes helps them perform their tasks at work more efficiently. Another common excuse smokers use is that smoking keeps excess weight off their bodies.
Health Excuses
Some smokers don't think that they are putting themselves at risk by smoking because they have relatives who have smoked for years without adverse consequences. Other smokers say that they have already cut down to a safe level or smoke low-nicotine cigarettes. In reality, smokers who reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke inhale more often and more deeply, defeating the purpose of cutting back.
Quitting Excuses
Smokers may find reasons to start smoking after they have briefly quit. Some claim that they don't have the willpower to quit altogether. Others claim that they failed trying to quit because they smoked one or two cigarettes, leading them back to their normal level of smoking. Many other smokers say that they get strong cravings when they are at a bar or party with other smokers around.
Psychological Reasons
Some smokers refuse to quit because they think smoking helps them in social situations. They believe that if they couldn't smoke, they would be nervous around new people. Others may smoke to cure feelings of loneliness or boredom. Smoking also offers support to some people when things don't go the way they had hoped.