Better Sleep Tips
Circadian Rhythm
A circadian rhythm is the natural cycle of waking hours and sleeping hours that your body adjusts itself to. Keeping regular sleeping hours helps your body to achieve the optimum benefit of a good sleep. To find your natural circadian rhythm, experiment with different bedtimes until you find one that causes you to wake naturally at your desired wake time. Adjusting your sleeping hours to your natural circadian rhythm takes approximately two weeks.
Napping Smart
When you are sleep deprived, try to compensate by taking short naps of no more than 30 minutes in the middle of your waking hours. This practice will not alter your circadian rhythm. Try to avoid sleeping late; this practice can adversely alter your sleep cycle and often results in insomnia. Also try to avoid taking naps within a few hours prior of your usual bedtime. Poorly timed naps can also alter your sleep cycle.
Sleeping Environment
Comfort while sleeping is very important to quality of sleep. Your bed should be comfortable and allow the body to completely relax. During sleeping hours, the room should be as dark as possible. Light, even at a low intensity, can confuse your body and disrupt your sleep. The temperature of your bedroom should be cool, approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit for the soundest sleep. Keep your bedroom as quiet as possible; if noise is a factor, try covering it with white noise, such as from a fan, or even using a radio to generate static. Avoid using your bed for anything other than sleep; associating your bed with sleep creates a mental trigger in your mind that will help you to fall asleep.
Prepare for Sleep
Before going to sleep it is important to relax body and mind. Relaxing the body can entail exercise, stretching or taking a bath. Relaxing your mind means to slow the pace of mental activity before attempting to sleep. Watching television either before bed or, even worse, in bed stimulates your mind, making it more difficult to slip into a restful sleep. At least an hour before bedtime, turn off your television and computer to help quiet your mind; give yourself some time to let your mind process thoughts without additional electronic input.