How To Be A Healthier Person

If you use the excuse that you couldn't do, perform, complete or attend something more than once or twice a year due to not feeling well, then your health is not at an optimal level. According to the Center of Disease Control, while modern medicine may extend the quantity of your life, there is no guarantee that it improves the quality of your life. (See References 1) An unhealthy lifestyle may contribute towards less than optimal health levels. What steps can be taken now to offset the potentially devastating and debilitating affects of poor health?

Things You'll Need

  • Exercise Equipment
  • Organization Tools
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  1. How to Be Healthier

    • 1

      Breathe better. Taking deeper breaths helps to increase the amount of oxygen to your cells. Elevated oxygen levels enhance energy supplies resulting in an increased ability to perform everyday tasks without fatigue. Longer, deeper breaths reduces resting heart rates and blood pressure leading to improved heart and lung function, reducing the risk of heart problems.

      Breathing through your nose is the preferred breathing method. Inhaling through your nose helps to filter and warm incoming air. Bacteria and dust is less likely to enter your body and cause infections. (See References 2)

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      Get a grip to subtract the stress. Start with improving organizational skills. At the end of the day, gather all the necessary things for the next day. This includes clothing, breakfast, lunch, bags and keys for all family members. Mornings that are stress free help set the tone for the day. A better prepared morning helps to avoid choosing unhealthy meals and leaving late, reducing the risk for speeding or distracted driving. Being better prepared the night before allows your body to relax and avoid sleepless nights, also resulting in improved health. (See References 3)

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      Move your muscles. Exercise takes many forms and can fit in anywhere in a over-scheduled day. Arriving at work 10 minutes earlier and walking either outside or inside the work site is a start. Adding another 10-minute session during lunch or before leaving is another option. Weight training, Yoga and Pilates exercises are a great way to start or end the day. Instead of sitting and waiting during karate classes or soccer practice, take the sneakers and take a walk. If you don't find the time to exercise, you may have to find the time to be sick. (See References 4)

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      Take the test. Knowledge is crucial in preventing disease. Make it a point to know your blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Take a picture of your moles and marks to use for comparison in the future. Keep records of preventative services such as vaccines and screenings. Take the initiative in preventative health and avoid putting off appointments. Schedule annual physicals right before your birthday setting the condition of not celebrating until after the appointment. Reward mammograms with manicures, and colonoscopies with vacations. (See References 5)

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