Hand-Massaging Techniques
Finger Squeezing
Hand-massaging techniques can include squeezing. Use the tip of your left index finger and thumb pad to start this massage. Place these fingers over each finger of your right hand, starting from the base, according to Chinese Holistic Health Exercises. Gently, but firmly, squeeze the entire length of your finger until you reach the tip. When you reach the tip, squeeze your way back down to the starting area. Do this three times per finger. Repeat this massage using your right hand to massage your left hand.
Hand Roll
Hand massaging techniques can use tennis balls as a rolling tool. Place a tennis ball between your hands. Gently and firmly press your palms together so you exude gentle pressure against the ball. Roll the ball up toward the end of your fingertips and down toward your wrists. Do this 10 times. Relax 10 seconds. Roll the ball from side to side, starting at your fingertips and ending at your wrists. Do this massage maneuver 10 times.
Rubbing is another hand-massaging technique you can use. Rubbing your hands together increases energy levels causing warmth and relaxation of muscles. Place your hands with the palms together, according to Chinese Holistic Health Exercises. Rub your hands together as fast as possible until your palms get warm. Increase your massage efficiency by taking your right palm and placing it over the top of your left hand. Use a gentle rubbing movement to massage your left hand. Hold this position for two seconds. Repeat the maneuver with your left palm over the top of your right hand.
Tendon Roll
Hand-massaging techniques combine gentle pressing in a circulation motion to relax the tendons of your hand area. Sit upright at a table. Place your right arm onto the table, palm-side up and relax your arm, according to Japanshakuhachi.com. Take a tennis ball and use your left hand to start rolling the ball in a circular motion from your elbow to hand area. The circular motion will massage affected tendons throughout the wrist and forearm area, the ones attached to your hands. Massage for 30 seconds. Relax 10 seconds. Repeat this massage technique by using your right hand to massage your left arm.
Hand-massaging techniques include pressing to release tension. Use your left index finger and thumb pad to press against your right hand finger pads, the fleshy base of your fingers, according to Chinese Holistic Health Exercises. Gently press the points and move your left thumb and index finger in a circular massaging motion. Massage each finger base 10 seconds. When done with each finger base, massage the fleshy side of your hand, from the base of your index finger to your wrist. Then, massage your right thumb area, going from the base to the joint of your right index finger. When done massaging the outer core of your right hand, start massaging the center portion of your wrist and hand.