How to Print Medical ID Cards From Home
Printing medical ID cards from home is easy. You can design your own using your home computer or use a free website with a template built in that allows you to easily design and print your medical ID cards. MedIDs, N-styleid and Public Safety Hub are three such websites that offer free medical ID card services to help you enter your important medical information and create and print your medical ID cards from the comfort of your own home.Things You'll Need
- Cardstock printing paper
- Pen
Go to the website of your choice and scroll to the ID card form. If using N-Style's website, simply download and print the template as shown on the site and fill out the information with a pen.
Fill out the attached form with your contact information, physician information, emergency contacts and all existing medical conditions. Make sure to fill out all fields so that your medical ID card has as much helpful information as possible.
Submit the information. Click "Create Medical ID Card" on MedIDs or the "Create ID Card" button on the Public Safety Hub. A preview of your finished medical ID card will come up on the screen. Verify that all information on the card is correct.
Choose what size card you need, if your site has the option to do so. Choose your size by using the buttons at the bottom of the screen to make it taller, shorter or wider. Public Safety Hub's website only offers printable cards in wallet size, or 3 1/2 inches by 2 inches.
Print the card from your home printer on thick cardstock paper to make it more durable.