How to Get Help With Medicine in Erie Pennsylvania
Go to the St. Paul Free Clinic. This clinic accepts low-income patients on a sliding scale. If you cannot afford to pay, the clinic makes accommodations for your situation as well. The clinic is located at 1608 Walnut Street, Erie, PA 16502, and the phone number is 814-454-8755. Standard clinic hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm. Call ahead to schedule an appointment or go as a walk-in. If you go as a walk-in be prepared to wait.
Bring your medicine and questions to any of the large chain drug stores such as Rite-Aid or CVS in the Erie area. These drug stores have free pharmacist consultations. The pharmacists will direct you to a local physician if they cannot answer all of your questions or alter your medication.
Go to the emergency room at the St. Vincent Health Center, a local hospital in Erie. The ER takes patients as walk-ins. Bring all prescriptions with you and be prepared to wait until a doctor is available. Because ER rooms operate on a triage basis, patients in the most serious danger are seen first. St. Vincent is located at 232 West 25th Street, Erie, PA, and the phone number is 814-454-4484.