Flex Spending Account Information
The Federal Flexible Spending Accounts Program (FSAFEDS) has two types of spending accounts: Health Care Flexible Spending Account (HCFSA) and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA).
Medical expenses incurred by you or a family member through a licensed or certified health care professional are eligible for reimbursement through the HCFSA. For the DCFSA, child care expenses incurred by a claimed dependent under the age of 13 or any person not able to care for themselves and leaves you unable to work are eligible for reimbursement.
The HCFSA and DCFSA have a maximum money allotment of $5,000 per year (as of 2010). The minimum required for each Flexible Spending Account is $250.
Unless your company offers a paperless option (a flexible spending account debit card), you will need to submit a claim form for reimbursement for payment.
Any allotted money contributed to the flex spending account is taken out before taxes, therefore lowering your taxable income.