How to Order Contact Lens
Things You'll Need
- Valid contact lens prescription
Make an appointment for a contact lens exam. A valid prescription enables you to purchase contact lenses. All prescriptions have an expiration date. If your prescription is expired, you will not be able to purchase contact lenses.
Check your health insurance plan for vision coverage. Your health insurance may fully or partially cover an annual eye exam and contact lenses expenses.
Research the various options for purchasing contacts lenses. Contacts lenses may be purchased from your local eye doctor, optical retail stores such as Pearl Vision and Lens Crafters, major retail stores such as Sears, Target, and Walmart, and online suppliers like 1-800-Contacts. Compare the prices, accessibility, and time factor in purchasing the lenses. For example, ordering contacts online easily without leaving home.
Provide relevant information. If you purchase contacts from your eye doctor, optical chains or a major retailer, they will fill out the details from your prescription. When purchasing contacts online, you will be required to fill out the relevant information from your prescription. The information include the base curve (BC), the diameter (DIA), the and the power (SPH). It is also necessary to fill out the quantity, shipping information and credit card information.