How to Overcome Fear in a Fight
Visualize yourself facing your opponent and being confident. See yourself as victorious at the end instead of being the victim. Visualize the ways that you will beat your attacker instead of the harmful things he will do to you.
Get angry that you are being threatened. Tell yourself that your opponent has no right to hurt you in any way. Each of us has a driving force inside. This driving force may be your friends, your children or your significant other. Focus on this driving force and tell yourself that this person will not deny you the right to get home to the ones you love. Tell yourself that you will do anything to stop him because if you don't, your family may have to go on living without you if you get killed.
Focus on hurting your opponent. Ways to hurt an attacker include jamming your fingers into his eyes, using your forehead to smash into his nose, jamming your elbow as forcefully as you can into his ribcage, or punching his windpipe. Forget about getting hurt. Think about the different ways you can seriously hurt your opponent to end the situation instead of the ways he can hurt you.
Understand that you will likely be injured. Don't worry about getting hurt because this delay can cause you to worry about what will happen to you which can paralyze you with fear. Go into the fight knowing that you will be injured but you can survive it.
Take self-defense training classes or enroll in a martial arts class. Learn effective techniques in self-defense and practice them when you are confronted with an attacker, so you will know exactly what to do and how to respond when the time comes.