How to Define Estimation of Glucose
Your body produces glucose mainly from carbohydrates, but also from protein and fat. Glucose is absorbed into the blood from the intestines, and it is carried to your cells. If you have diabetes, your body cannot control its glucose levels. You may be on a special diet or take insulin to help maintain a proper glucose level.
Benedict's Test
To obtain an estimation of glucose, you can perform a Benedict's test. Benedict's is a chemical solution that can be added to urine to determine whether sugar is present. If sugar is detected, you will need further laboratory tests to determine whether it is glucose. When Benedict's solution is added to urine, the color of the liquid will progress from blue, which indicates no sugar, to reddish-brown, which shows a high level of sugar.
Blood Glucose Meter
There is a way to estimate blood glucose levels without laboratory testing. You can prick your finger with a lancet, obtain a drop of blood, put it on a test strip and use a blood glucose meter to read the strip.