How to Choose a Good Dentist
Find out what services the dentist offers. In addition to oral hygiene care and the prevention of cavities and disease, some dentists offer cosmetic services, such as whitening or veneers. If the dentist doesn't offer a service you want, inquire about the referral process.
Decide what services you need and inquire about the clinical experience and training in that particular service.
Ask about the dentist's policy on emergency care. For example, if you have a tooth knocked out on a Sunday night, will he or she be available?
Find out how long it takes to get to the dentist's office from your home. If you require frequent visits, or foresee an emergency, a close location could be important.
Inspect the hygiene of the dentist and dental assistants. Do they wear gloves during your procedure? Do they wash their hands before the procedure? Do they wear masks during the procedure? Do they appear clean and tidy?
Ask about what tools the dentist uses. Some procedures can be performed with traditional tools versus lasers. Ask about what your dentist uses and inquire about what the differences are, focusing on the pros and cons of each.