What is a of in health and social care?
Social worker: Social workers provide counseling, guidance, and support to individuals and families who are dealing with a variety of issues, such as poverty, addiction, domestic violence, mental health problems, and child welfare concerns.
Occupational therapist: Occupational therapists help individuals who have difficulty performing everyday tasks due to illness, injury, or disability by assessing their needs and developing treatment plans to improve their independence and functional abilities.
Speech therapist: Speech therapists work with individuals who have difficulty with speech, language, or swallowing problems, helping them to develop and improve their communication skills.
Physiotherapist: Physiotherapists provide treatment and rehabilitation for individuals who have difficulty moving due to illness, injury, or disability, helping them to restore their mobility and function.
Nurse: Nurses provide a range of patient care services, including administering medications, monitoring vital signs, providing wound care, and assisting with activities of daily living.