Nail Biting Disadvantages
Sore Cuticles
If someone bites her fingernails too low, it will lead to sore cuticles. Soreness will particularly be evident when you press your fingernails. Your biting your nails too low could cause the nails to bleed or could lead to an increase of painful hangnails.
Increased Risk Nail-Bed Infections
Fingernails serve as protection for the nail beds. Biting nails off too low increases the fingernail's exposure to bacteria. This exposes a person to an increased risk of infection because of lack of protection.
Negative Appeal
Because biting your nails is generally associated with nervousness, nail biting could lead someone to misinterpret you. Fingernail biting will also make you appear childish, because it is a habit generally practiced by children. Biting your nails also makes them less appealing because it is difficult to maintain them smooth and even.
Transportation of Bacteria
Hands are exposed to a significant amount of bacteria. Biting your nails makes a quick and easy way for bacteria to be transported from your hands to your mouth and into your system. Thus people who bite their nails have an increased chance of catching colds or other viral infections than those who do not.