How to Cool Off in Hot Weather
Things You'll Need
- Hat
- Liquids
- Lightweight clothing
Create shade. A significant portion of blood supply flows up to the face. As a result, keeping your head cool can help to decrease the amount of heat that reaches the rest of your body. Wear a broad-brimmed hat in a pale color, such as yellow, baby blue, beige or white. If you don't have any hats, consider wrapping a bandanna around your head for shade, as well.
Hang out in your basement. If you are lucky enough to have a basement at home, do not be afraid to make use of it during the hottest times of the year. Basements tend to be significantly cooler than other areas of a building.
Dress for hot weather. This goes beyond simply wearing shorts and tank tops. Sport light-colored and lightweight attire, preferably in cotton. Synthetic fibers lead to the trapping of heat, so wear cotton instead. Cotton is capable of soaking up perspiration. The evaporation process makes your whole body feel a lot cooler. Loose-fitting and long-flowing garments are useful, as these encourage air circulation.
Shower more often. Frequent showering can do wonders for staying cool in the heat. Shower under tepid or cool water. Not only will this make you feel cooler, but it will freshen you up after a day of sweating under the pounding sun.
Drink a lot of water. To combat extreme summer temperatures, try to drink as much cold water as possible. Sports drinks that are full of electrolytes can also do the trick. Stay away from caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as both can trigger dehydration, which is the last thing you want in the heat.
Eat to beat the heat. In the summer, it can be beneficial to consume meals that are small and light. Eat meals that have high water content for hydration purposes, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Spicy foods, strangely enough, also can work for cooling the body down. Spicy fare such as Indian curry can activate the heat receptors within the mouth, which promotes circulation and sweating ultimately cooling you down.
Cover your windows. To keep your home cool, cover any windows that get the sun in mornings and afternoons. If it gets cooler at nights where you live, capitalize on that by opening up windows and screen doors in the evening. This can help to lower your indoor temperature.
Use fans. Fans are an inexpensive alternative to air conditioners. Ceiling fans waste significantly less energy than air conditioning, and can be highly effective at cooling you down, and quickly.