The Best Activities to Avoid Weight Gain

Most men and women gain some weight as they age due to a slowing metabolism, hormonal changes and decline in muscle mass. Although a 2010 Science Daily report asserts that the duration and amount of exercise needed to avoid weight gain differs between individuals, a daily brisk walk and two or three strength-training sessions per week combined with a healthy diet is the best way to help prevent weight gain. These activities burn calories and increase metabolism as lean muscle replaces fat.
  1. Brisk Walking

    • Brisk walking raises your heart rate and helps prevent weight gain, advises. Walking is one of the best activities you can do to stay fit because it's a safe and convenient way for most people to attain their fitness goals. Taking a brisk walk daily for at least 30 minutes at a pace of 3.5 miles per hour on flat terrain can burn up to 1,110 calories per week, according to the University of California.

    Strength Training To Build Muscle

    • Strength training with resistance bands or weights for 20 minutes a few times a week on nonconsecutive days will build lean muscle and decrease fat, according to As you gain lean muscle you increase your metabolism and your body becomes more efficient at burning calories even when you're not engaged in an activity. According to, regular strength training yields fast results, so you won't need to be in the gym for hours to see noticeable improvements.

    Create a Varied, Balanced Diet

    • Eating a balanced diet that underscores a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean and low-fat protein and dairy will help create a calorie deficit in combination with exercise that's tailored to your activity level, gender and age.
      Choose your calories wisely, according to your fitness goals. Eat a healthy breakfast and don't skip meals. According to Jesse Cannone, CFT, eating a balanced breakfast helps you maximize fitness. Skipping meals, such as breakfast, throws your blood sugar levels off track, which encourages your body to store fat.

    Choose Safety First

    • Not every activity is appropriate for everyone. Before you start any activity to control weight gain you should consult with your physician. The most effective way to stay trim and keep your waistline lean is burning more calories than you consume. However, age, physical condition and gender are factors that determine what is healthy and right for you. A visit with a qualified physician is the first activity you should undertake before branching out on your own.

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